Words of the moment~Have Fun!
I was thinking about how much fun I have every day. It’s 6:30 AM and have already had a couple of fun moments. Lol🤗 Yesterday someone...
Words of the moment~Easy or hard!
Many people try really hard to make changes in their lives and I’ve noticed that when one tries so hard it becomes difficult. Imagine...
Words of the moment~Don’t give up!
So many people give up before they even start, why is that? There are so many opportunities in life and why would give up before you...
Words of the moment~Passion Tears!
Words of the moment~Passion Tears! When you cry with joy you know your love is authentic. I realized yesterday when I cry it’s not...
Words of the moment~Why fear?
Words of the moment ~ Why fear? It still surprises me that so many people on the planet are rooted in fear. I think it’s...